Sharm El-Sheikh

Title Fees (US $)
Asset Integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities Training $ 3,500
SIL Certified Professional: Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and Emergency Shutdown (ESD) {IEC 61511 and IEC 61508}: Functional Safety $ 3,500
Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals for Non-Technical Personnel $ 3,500
Management of Aviation Quality and Service $ 3,500
Scenario Planning in the Oil and Gas Industry $ 3,500
Managing Oil Fields in a Low Price Environment $ 3,500
Facility Integrity and Technical Audit $ 3,500
Application, Selection and Troubleshooting of Distributed Control System (DCS) Training $ 3,500
Conducting Security Surveys and Assessments $ 3,500
Operations and Safety Procedures $ 3,500
Construction and Civil Engineering Fundamentals For Non-Civil Engineers $ 3,500
Oil and Gas Fiber Optic Application and Design $ 3,500
Oil and Gas Field Operations (Upstream) $ 3,500
Bearing Root Cause Failure Analysis $ 3,500
Iron and Steel making Processes and Refractories $ 3,500
Pre-Stressed and Post Tensioned Concrete Structures; Design and Inspection $ 3,500
Advanced Crude Oil Analysis, Gas Analysis & Water Analysis for Drinking $ 3,500
Energy and Climate Change: Decarbonizing Energy Economies with Renewable Energy $ 3,500
Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health: Essential Principles & its Implementation $ 3,500
CILT Level 3 - Transport Planning $ 3,500
Security Risk Assessment & Management $ 3,500
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air $ 3,500
Geometric Design of Urban and Rural Roads $ 3,500
Under-Balance Drilling Technology $ 3,500
Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management $ 3,500
Pressure Vessels And Storage Tanks $ 3,500
Leadership, Communications and Interpersonal Skills $ 3,500
EFQM: Leaders for Excellence $ 3,500
Materials & Welding Challenges for Offshore Oil & Gas Industries $ 3,500
The Contracts and Purchasing Masterclass $ 3,500
Advanced ETABS Workshop $ 3,500
The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel Manufacturing $ 3,500
Polyolefins in Cables Training $ 3,500
Material Handling in Chemical Industries $ 3,500
Demystifying Cathodic Protection $ 3,500
CILT Level 5 -Transport and Society $ 3,500
Well Design and Drilling $ 3,500
Process Plant Optimization, Rehabilitation, Revamping and Debottlenecking $ 3,500
Process Engineering Essentials Training $ 3,500
Operation, Troubleshooting, Start-Up and Shutdown of Process Reactors $ 3,500
Pipeline Integrity Management $ 3,500
ESD Simulation Training Control, Operation and Design of Reciprocating Gas Compressors and ESD Simulation Training Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressors $ 3,500
Building Operational Excellence in The Process Industry $ 3,500
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers and Switchgears: Specification, Design, Operation, Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, Repair and Troubleshooting $ 3,500
Mobile Broadband Transformation Training Bootcamp $ 3,500
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering and Planning $ 3,500
Pneumatic and Electro-Pneumatic Systems, Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,500
Principle of Distributed Control System (DCS) $ 3,500
International Freight Transport Industry $ 3,500
Mastering and Maximizing Strategic Planning Techniques $ 3,500
Metallurgy for non Metallurgists $ 3,500
Sloping, Benching, Embankments and Bundwalls $ 3,500
Certificate In Quality Management And Business Performance $ 3,500
Energy and Sustainability Management $ 3,500
Root Cause Analysis: Solving Problems by Eliminating Causes $ 3,500
Oil Spill Management and Beach Cleaning (OS) $ 3,500
AWS Certified Welding Engineer Program $ 3,500
Reviewing and Analysing Contracts $ 3,500
Handling Hazardous Materials and Chemicals $ 3,500
SIMOPS (Simultaneous Operations) for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 3,500
Modern Oil and Gas Marine Terminals: Operations and Management $ 3,500
ASME Section VIII Division 1 and 2 - Pressure Vessel Series $ 3,500
Basic Fire Fighting $ 3,500
Site Security Surveys Training $ 3,500
Fundamentals of Deepwater Riser Engineering $ 3,500
Food Safety and Quality Management $ 3,500
Introduction to Risk Management $ 3,500
Laser Shaft Alignment With Optalign $ 3,500