Bali, Indonesia

Title Fees (US $)
Optimising Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 4,950
ISO 22301 Lead Implementer Training (BCMS) $ 4,950
Electrical Equipment Inspection $ 4,950
Advanced Contracting “ Module 1- Best Practices To Achieve World Class Contracts” $ 4,950
Rescue V Confined Space Rescue NFPA 1006 Training $ 4,950
Plant Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Techniques $ 4,950
Control Optimization and Tuning of Furnaces, Boilers and Steam Plants $ 4,950
Warehouse Management and Latest Development in Inventory Rationalization $ 4,950
Above Ground Storage Tanks : Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,950
Hazmat Applications: Petroleum Products (LPG, LNG, CNG, propane, Hydrogen, Gasoline, Diesel and Mtbe) Road & Rail $ 4,950
Advanced and Effective Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century $ 4,950
Applications of Risk and Simulation Modelling for Oil and Gas Industry $ 4,950
Statistics for Analytical Chemistry $ 4,950
Certified Training Professional Program $ 4,950
Design of Modern Electrical Distribution Systems $ 4,950
A-Z for Risk, Reliability and Safety Management $ 4,950
Integrated Program in Operation and TPM $ 4,950
Root Cause Bearing Failure Analysis $ 4,950
Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Contracts $ 4,950
Preparation and Qualification of a Public Relations Specialist $ 4,950
Uae Corporate Tax Training $ 4,950
Certified Taxation and Treasury Policies $ 4,950
Developing Purchasing Policies, Processes and Service Level Agreements $ 4,950
Developing Effective Talent Management Strategies $ 4,950
Safety Awareness and Landscaping Training $ 4,950
QA/QC Skills in Subsurface Mapping $ 4,950
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems QMS and Internal Auditor $ 4,950
Firefighting System Design & Review for Oil and Gas Industry $ 4,950
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design $ 4,950
Power System Automation (PSA) $ 4,950
Introduction to Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) $ 4,950
Monitoring the Behavior of Geotechnical Structure $ 4,950
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, Auditing and Benchmarking $ 4,950
Electrical System Safety: Hazards and Safeguards $ 4,950
ASME Sec IX, Welding and Brazing Program $ 4,950
Environmental Management and Waste Treatment for Upstream $ 4,950
Supply Chain Management in Oil and Gas Industry $ 4,950
Oily Water Treatment Technology $ 4,950
PLC for Process Control and Automation $ 4,950
Overview of the LNG Value Chain $ 4,950
Certificate in Operations Management Program $ 4,950
Risk Based Internal Auditor Program $ 4,950
Workover Operations $ 4,950
Turbo Compressor Performance $ 4,950
Business and Management Performance Improvement Skills $ 4,950
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine (HDD) Operation and Maintenance $ 4,950
Business Analysis within a Project Environment $ 4,950
Design, Sizing and Equipment Selection for Thermal Fluid Systems $ 4,950
Jet Fuel Specifications $ 4,950
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis $ 4,950
Oil and Gas Marine Terminals: Operations, Management and Safety in Accordance with International Standards $ 4,950
Urea Fertilizer Manufacturing Process Technology $ 4,950
The Support Staff and Administrative Assistant Training Program $ 4,950
Building Condition Assessment $ 4,950
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities (API 579-1/ASME FFS-1) $ 4,950
Pipeline Risk Assessment $ 4,950
Achieving Career Success: Breakthrough Strategies For Workplace Excellence QAC- 259 $ 4,950
Advanced office management and achieving administrative excellence training $ 4,950
New Strategies and Best Practices In Internal Auditing $ 4,950
Human Resources Development and Personnel Management $ 4,950
Warehouse Manager Roles Training $ 4,950
The Certified Executive/PA Masterclass Program $ 4,950
Effective Negotiation, Persuasion and Critical Thinking: the Professional Negotiator $ 4,950
Seismic Inversion Methods and Application $ 4,950
Applying Fluid Inclusion Techniques To Petroleum E&P $ 4,950
Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Exploration and Drilling $ 4,950
Structural Steel Design - Pipe Rack, Shelters, Pipe Supports, Platforms and Ladders Training $ 4,950
Integrated Petroleum Geoscience Masterclass $ 4,950
Gas Processing and Process Control $ 4,950
Operation Monitoring Control of Electric Machines Industrial Processes $ 4,950
SQA Internal Verifier Training $ 4,950